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Data Logger

Data Logging (Units for sale or rental)

Electrical energy audits are necessary when a client wants to optimise his factory operations or in case  solar panels are to be installed. In larger installations, merely dividing the monthly consumption by the number of working days, is not good enough.

RS Innovation has developed a multi-purpose data logger. The basic unit is capable of logging 3x 3-phase channels or 9 single phase channels. The unit measures  active and passive energy, and thus also phase angle , or power factor. Measurement intervals can be set between 1s and 60s. Each measurement sample is stored on a standard SD card. 

The system uses split core current clamps, making the Installation very easy. 

A unique feature of the system is the capability of sending an email at set interval times. This is particularly useful when measurements are performed at far away places. 

Systems can be customised made for your specific needs. We can measure DC voltage and current, temperature, pressure or whatever you require.

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An example of a datalog, plotted in Excel

An example of a datalog, plotted in Excel

Our variety of current clamps. (A 1600Amp Rogowski is also available)
